[구슬쌤] :: 사전에 없는 필수 단어 takeaway의 정확한 뉘앙스

2021. 2. 25. 07:49공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어


영국에선 포장음식으로 쓰이지만(미국은 take out)

미국에선 좀 다르게 쓰임


<사전적 뜻> A main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read.

=> (특정 상황에서 내가 가져가고 싶은) 핵심 정보, 느낀점


What was your takeaway?

너가 느낀점이 뭐냐



Key takeaway 

Main takeaway

The biggest takeaway 핵심요점, 가장 중요한점


What’s the lesson? What is the takeaway?


<영국> 포장음식 low quality takeaway

Shall we go takeaway?




<미국> My takeaway from that is powerful

And that was your takeaway?


I don’t think that should be your biggest takeaway.

Okay, so if I have one takeaway from John huges movies.


영상보기 : youtu.be/3ct5LOYbD7k
