2022. 9. 15. 20:22ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
대부분 오역하는 I'll bite🦷👀 ('깨물다' 아님.. 나아가 I won't bite의 뉘앙스까지 확실히 정리💜)
1: I'll bite.
2: It's not my thing.
3: I'm offended.
상대의 말에 넘어가 마음이 팔리듯 상대의 제안을 좋게 생각하고 설득 당했을 때
I'm sold - https://youtu.be/bcQgI4cnWXU?t=33
At the end of the day: (주로 '어차피/그런데/그리고'와 같이 쓰임) 결국, 결론적으로 - - https://youtu.be/_1px4SyvsrY?t=30
*캠브릿지 사전: something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation (모든 걸 고려했을 때 가장 중요한 사실을 말하기 전 씀)
At the end of the day, it's all about teamwork.
At the end of the day, it's all about balance.
*be (all) about: ~가 (가장) 중요해 - https://youtu.be/spXLR35YI78?t=40
I'm telling you: 진짜라니까, 정말이야. - https://youtu.be/0EydNpAUeFE?t=30
*캠브릿지 사전: used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, and should be believed (내가 하는 말을 믿으라며 강조할 때 씀)
I'm telling you, she's nuts.
*nuts = crazy: 제정신이 아닌 - https://youtu.be/T6ES7IS2u-k?t=29
You know, this is nuts
I'm telling you, he and I have a connection, and there's something bothering him.
정말이라니까요. 그분과 잘 통하는데 언짢은 일이 있는 게 확실해요.
#1: I'll bite. (한번 낚여줄게) 그렇게 하자. 그렇게 해보지 뭐
미끼(bait)를 물듯 뭔가 미씸쩍은 부분이 있지만 일단 관심은 가니 play along, 동의/동조/장단을 맞춰주겠다
play along: 동의/동조하는 척하다.
*Collins 사전: You appear to agree with them and do what they want, even though you are not sure whether they are right.
Fine, I'll play along. What causes it?
좋아, 장단 맞추줄게/들어나 보자. 원인이 뭐야?
Okay, I'll bite.
I'll bite. (일단 어디 한번 얘기를 들어볼테니)말해봐
*Freedictionary.com: I'll engage with you on this topic.
-It may not be telling you what you think it is.
생각하시는 것과 다를 수 있어요.
-Okay, I'll bite.
좋아, 일단 (네 말을 들어볼테니) 계속 말해봐.
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: 일생일대의 기회
golden opportunity: 금쪽같은 기회
Okay. I'll bite. What's the opportunity?
All right, I'll bite. 좋아, 어디 들어나 보지
So lucky to have you.
Okay, I'll bite. Why are you so lucky?
fishy 수상한/냄새가 나는
*Merriam-Webster 사전: creating doubt or suspicion.
Something's fishy about this.
Something's fishy with you two.
I won't bite. (두려워하거나 다가가기 어려워할 필요가 없다) 화내거나 해지치 않을게, 그러니 편히 얘기해/행동해
*Freedictionary.com: Someone has no reason to be afraid of one; someone should not be shy about approaching or talking to one.
<화 안낼테니 편히 말씀하세요>
It's okay. I really won't bite.
Don't be nervous. I won't bite.
Just go ask her. She won't bite.
Don't worry, she won't bite.
bite의 연관표현
1. 간단히 먹을 때 grab a bite (to eat)
2. 일단 장단에 맞춰주듯 동조/동의해주며 I'll bite
3. 해치거나 화내지 않으니 편히 해도 돼 I won't bite.
#2: It's not my thing. 그건 내가 좋아하는게/잘 하는게 아니야.
*freedictionary.com: Not something one particularly enjoys or is good at
I'm more of a homebody.
*more of: 오히려 ~에 더 가까운 - https://youtu.be/5nP7HKcCXoo?t=462
- https://youtu.be/87bU8AJPNPI?t=375
Loud places are not my thing.
-It's just not my thing.
-I totally relate.
Planning's not my thing.
<공포 영화는 내 취향이 아님>
Not really my thing.
내가 좀 관심 있거나 잘 하는 분야일 때
It's kind of my thing.
But more than anything else, I just love dogs, so that's just kind of my thing.
kind of = kinda = sort of = sorta: 쫌, 약간, 어느정도 - https://youtu.be/Ikg-BUYbLqs?t=38
*이 표현을 쓰는 이유 (캠브릿지 사전): They soften other words and phrases so that they do not appear too direct or exact.
I'm kind of hungry. 나 좀 배고프다.
It's kind of chilly.
Books were sort of my thing, and the idea of running a bookstore was incredibly appealing.
A: Why don't you ask her to stop?
B: Well, confrontation is not really my thing.
*옥스포드 사전 confrontation: a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties (직면, 대립)
<이렇게 대립하는 거, 대놓고 말씀하시는 거 정말 불편하네요>
I'm not comfortable with confrontation.
<문제가 있더라도 대놓고 모진 말을 잘 못하는 사람>
- You're the boss. Why don't you just yell at them?
- I would love to, but I can't. You know I'm not good at confrontation.
It's not my forte/strong suit. - https://youtu.be/B8YM-hqgPuo?t=29
*캠브릿지 사전: a strong ability, something that a person can do well (강점, 특히 잘하는 것)
Planning's not my forte.
Patience is not my forte, by the way.
Math isn't your forte, is it, Agent Thompson?
*area of expertise 전문 분야 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8YM-hqgPuo&t=1s
It's outside of my area of expertise.
Guys, it's outside of my area of expertise
#3: I'm offended. 기분 나빠, 불쾌해, 상처가 된다.
*캠브릿지 사전: to cause to be upset or to hurt the feelings of someone, esp. by being rude or showing a lack of respect.
I have to say, I'm offended.
<기분 나쁨/불쾌함>
I have to say, I'm offended.
<특정 행동을 하면 속상해 하거나 기분 나빠할지 미리 물어보며>
Would anybody be offended if we continued this tomorrow?
<잠시 쉬었다가 해도 괜찮을지 물어보며>
Would you be very offended if I gave everyone a break for a few minutes and then finished it?
I'm sorry if I offended you. 기분 상하게 했다면 미안해.