2023. 11. 5. 20:44ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
원어민 느낌 가득한 Enjoy it while it lasts😌❣ (미국식 실전영어)
1: We should enjoy it while it lasts
(계속 지속되는 건 아니기에)즐길 수 있을 때 즐겨야 해.
2-1: I insist / I won't take no for an answer.
(내 마음/호의를) 거절 마
2-2: I snuck out of training. 교육 끝나기 전 살짝 빠져 나왔어.
2-3: I might as well get something out of it.
어차피 이렇게 된거 뭐라고 얻어/배워/건져가는 게 좋겠어.
#1: Enjoy it while it lasts. (계속 지속되는 건 아니기에)즐길 수 있을 때 즐겨.
A: Lower gas prices are back.
B: Enjoy it while it lasts.
<그 자유도 얼마 못 갈거니 즐길 수 있을 때 즐겨>
Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
A: It's beautiful out here.
B: I know. We should enjoy it while it lasts.
<어린 아들이 자기를 세상에서 가장 멋진 남자라고 생각한다고 하자>
- My son is a year and a half, and I think he thinks I'm the coolest dude he's ever met 'cause he's only met like six dudes.
- Enjoy it while it lasts.
- Yeah, I'm going to.
micromanage: 정말 작은것까지 하나하나 다 통제하고 간섭할 때
*Collins 사전: to manage or control very closely, as by making decisions about even the smallest details, often so as to be regarded as acting inefficiently or counterproductively
<자네가 세세한 것 까지 관여할 여유는 없어>
You can't micromanage, we have too much to do.
A: Tom is off all week. We're finally free!
B: I know. We should enjoy it while it lasts.
<(떨거나 두려워하지 말고)그냥 이 순간을 누리세요>
- I'm frightened, Mr. Lizard. I'm only a girl, not a princess.
- Enjoy it while it lasts.
<라이벌 팀에게 곧 따라 잡을 거라며>
To all the Green Bay Packers, to all the fans, congratulations.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
*위키피디아: A guilty pleasure is something, such as a film, a television program or a piece of music, that one enjoys despite understanding that it is not generally held in high regard, or is seen as unusual or weird.
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- Shake Shack
Have a good day.
Have a good one. *캐주얼한 표현이긴 하지만 그래도 자주 쓰여요
Enjoy the rest of your day/night/weekend. - https://youtu.be/-FmZoDeQUw4?t=22
Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Enjoy your dinner. 저녁 맛있게 먹어.
I enjoy your company. 너와 같이 있는거 즐거워
I enjoyed our conversation the other day.
*the other day: 저번에
Since you insist on sneaking around, I may as well save us both the trouble.
#2-1: I insist (꼭 그렇게 하고 싶으니 내 호의/마음을) 거절 마.
*옥스포드 사전: demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal.
- https://youtu.be/cDzu4ZpdZqg?t=199
<서로 먼저 가라고 양보하며>
- No, please.
- I insist.
Please, we insist.
It's the least we can do. - https://youtu.be/cDzu4ZpdZqg?t=272
It's the least I can do. (내가 할 수 있는 최소한의 도리) 그 정도는 당연히 해드려야죠
- I appreciate that, Louis.
- It's the least I can do.
+++I insist 유사표혐
I won't take no for an answer. - https://youtu.be/YROEhOUlqN8?t=221
<일만 하지 말고 커피 한 잔 마시며 잠시 쉬고 가라며>
I won't take no for an answer.
<걔가 해달라고 한 게 아니라 내가 그렇게 하겠다고 한거야>
He didn't ask. I insisted.
#2-2: sneak 살금 살금, 몰래 가다/하다
*Collins 사전: If you sneak somewhere, you go there very quietly on foot, trying to avoid being seen or heard.
Damn, you're sneaky.
일이 있어 살짝 먼저 나가봐야할 때 sneak out.
늦어서 살짝 들어올 때 sneak in.
<줄리가 살짝/몰래 들어가서 얘기하고 왔어>
Julie snuck in and actually talked to him.
A: You must have come in late this morning.
I saw you sneaking in.
B: Yeah, I slept in.
<배고플까봐 몰래 과자를 가져왔을 때도>
I snuck in some Oreos for emergencies.
<(기존 일정에 살짝 끼워 넣듯> 아침에 살짝 운동하고 왔을 때도>
I snuck in a little gym time this morning.
A: Do you think we can sneak out at the end of the meeting?
B: No, I don't think we can sneak out.
People will notice it.
We can't sneak out.
#2-3: may/might as well (어차피 이렇게 된거) ~하는 게 좋겠어, (그냥) ~나 해야겠다
*사전에도 묶여 나온 것처럼 보통 interchangeable하게 쓰임
*Merriam-Webster 사전: used to say that something should be done or accepted because it cannot be avoided or because there is no good reason not to do it.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1yN9f7E0vM
Well, it seems Harvey won't be joining us, so we may as well get started.
I might as well get started because I got a lot to cover.
<본전을 뽑다>
I might as well get my money's worth.
You might as well get your money's worth.
mandatory 의무적인 <-> optional 선택적인
Attendance is mandatory.
*물론 Please make sure to ~
(꼭/확실히 ~하도록 하세요)도 자주 써요.
Is attendance mandatory?
Is this thing mandatory?
Is it mandatory or optional?
Attendance is optional.
I might as well get something out of it. 뭐라도 하나 건져가야겠다.
Then I might as well get something out of it.