[구슬쌤] :: 뜻은 알아도 평소 네이티브처럼 쓰기 힘든 표현 3개! (overrated, nightmare, vibe)

2021. 6. 30. 10:32공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어


평소 원어민처럼 쓰기 힘든 표현 3개(overrated, nightmare, vibe)

1) overrated: 과대평가된
   underrated: 과소평가된
2) nightmare: (악몽처럼 끔찍한) 일, 상황, 사람
3) vibe: 분위기, 인상, 느낌

#1-1: overrated: 과대평가 된
    *캠브릿지 사전: If something or someone is overrated, that person or thing is considered to be better or more important than they really are.
    <별로일 때 사용>
    It's overrated. That place is overrated.
    I've tried both, and they're way overrated.
    *부사 way: 아주, 정말, 크게
    New York is overrated.
    <별로 중요하지 않을 때고 사용가능>
    Sleep is overrated. 잠 별로 안 중요해.
    A: When exactly do you sleep?
    B: Sleep is overrated, is it not?
    A: No, it's not
    A: It is a glorious, glorious part of life.
    Teamwork is overrated.
    overrated: (내가 느끼기에 사람들이 과장해서 좋다고, 중요하다고 얘기하는 것 같을 때) 과대평가 된
    A: Am I a good person? 전 좋은 사람인가요?
    B: Being a good person is overrated. 좋은 사람이 되는 건 중요하지 않아요.
    B: Who cares about that? 누가 그런 걸 신경써요?
#1-2: underrated: 과소평가된
    *캠브릿지 사전: better or more important than most people believe
    (대부분의 사람들이 믿는 것보다 더 낫거나 중요할 때)
    - He is one of the most underrated players in baseball.
    That's a good movie, underrated.
    An artist who I personally feel was underrated. 내가 느끼기엔 과소평간된 화가.
    A: It's an underrated show, but I love it. 과소평가된 쇼인데 난 정말 좋아해.
    B: Okay, then, what do you say I take a rain check? 그래, 그럼 다음에 같이 보는 게 어때?
    A: Birmingham, Alabama.
    B: Ah, underrated city.
    Storytelling is the most underrated skill when it comes to entrepreneurship.
    기업가가 지녀할 능력에 있어서 중요성이 가장 간과되는 부분은 스토리텔링입니다.


#2: nightmare: (악몽처럼 끔찍한) 일, 상황, 사람
    *Collins 사전: If you refer to a situation as a nightmare, you are saying in a very emphatic way that it is irritating because it causes you a lot of trouble.
    As anyone who has worked with her knows, she's a nightmare.
    She's a nightmare, honestly!
    No wonder she hasn't got any friends.
    <할 말은 많지만 하지 않을게요>
    I'll hold my tongue.
    *thefreedictionary.com: to stay quiet despite wanting to say something.
    Well, I'll hold my tongue.
    I'm gonna hold my tongue.
    Traffic was a nightmare.
    차가 막혀 꼼짝 못한다는 걸 강조하는
    I am/was stuck in traffic.
    I'm here!
    Sorry, traffic was a nightmare coming back from Philadelphia.
    Sorry I'm late
    Traffic was a nightmare
    This is a nightmare.
#3: vibe: 분위기, 인상, 느낌 --> "여기 분위기 괜찮다" / "난 걔 분위기 맘에 들어" 느낌.
    *macmillan 사전: a general feeling that you get from a person or place
    (어떤 사람이나 장소에서 느껴지는 전반적인 느낌)
    Nina, you're so cool!
    I just like your whole vibe.
    I just loved his vibe.
    This is so meant to be that we met.
    *meant to be: 운명
    It's nice. I really like the vibe here!
    But because I just like the vibe here.
    I'm loving the vibe down here.


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