2021. 7. 2. 10:49ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
#1: I would like to make a toast. (건배를 제안하며) 우리 건배해요
I'd like to make a toast. (건배를 제안하며) 우리 건배해요.
*toast: 건배
I would like to make a toast to my wife.
#2: Here's to + 대상: ~를 위하여
줄여서 To + 대상 (~를 위하여)
Here's to a great year: 멋진 한 해를 위해서
= To a great year.
A: Here's to us. 우리를 위하여
B: To us.
Here's to a wonderful evening.
Here's to a great night.
Here's to our success. 우리의 성공을 위하여
Here's to 50, dad. 아빠, 50살을 위하여
#3: 술 취한 = drunk?
술 취한 정도에 따라
sober(멀쩡한) < tipsy(약간 취한) < drunk(취한) < wasted / trashed (만췬한)
sober: 술 취하지 않은, 맑은 정신의
A: I'm sober now (나 이제 술 깼어)
Go get sober, then call me. 가서 술 깨고 전화해.
tipsy: (기분 좋게 취한 정도) 술이 약간 취한
You sound a little tipsy.
You sound tipsy.
<이미 충분히 마셨으니 그만 마시겠다고 할 때>
A: Do you want another one?
B: No, I'm good. I'm pretty tipsy already.
I've had enough, man. 야 난 이미 충분히 마셨어.
tipsy < drunk(취한)
Are you drunk? 너 취했니?
I was really drunk last night.
drunk < wasted / trashed (만취한)
I was so wasted. I don't remember a thing. 완전 취했어서 하나도 기억 안 나.
<술 따라줄 때 내 주량만큼만>
A: Say when. (양이 충분하면) 멈추라고 말 해.
B: When. 이제 그만.
#3: 술을 잘 못마실 때
I'm getting old. I can't drink as much as I used to.
<나이들어 신진대사가 느려져 살찐다고 할 땐>
Now, my metabolism is slowing down.
I'm a light drinker
<-> I'm a heavy drinker
I was a very light drinker in my 20s. 20대 땐 정말 술을 많이 못마셨고요.
In my 30s, I was a social drinker. 30대 땐 분위기에 맞춰 적당히 마셨어요.
I have a low tolerance (for alcohol) <-> I have a high tolerance (for alcohol)
*tolerance: 내성/저항력
I wish I could have another, but I have an early meeting tomorrow.
I wish I could have another, but I have a long day tomorrow.
I'd love to stay but I have an early meeting tomorrow.
A: Let's drink it. To the queen.
B: You guys must have a really high tolerance. 너의 정말 술 잘 마시나보다.
'내성/저항력' 외에 '용인/관용'이란 뜻으로도 자주 쓰이는 tolerance.
zero tolerance: (무관용을 의미) 뭔가를 못 참거나 용납하지 못할 때
수업에서 핸드폰 사용을 용납하지 않는다는
We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class.
Zero tolerance for sexual harassment. 성희롱은 절대 용납하지 않습니다.
I have zero tolerance for lazy people.
I have zero tolerance for liars.
I have zero tolerance for anybody who doesn't understand.
I have zero tolerance for betrayal which they will soon indelibly learn.
난 배신은 절대 용납 못합니다. 그들도 곧 사무치게 깨닫겠죠.
*indelibly: 지워지지 않게/영원히
A: Rebellious. 반항적이네.
B: Just a low tolerance for boredom.
#4: designated driver: 지정 운전자
*옥스포드 사전: a member of a group who abstains from alcohol in order to drive the others safely.
Okay, names in the hat.
Time to pick a designated driver.
I'm gonna be their designated driver.
#5: 기념할 일이 생겼을 때
This calls for a celebration : 이거 축하 할 일인걸!
Well, I think this calls for a little celebration.
First round's on me.
This round's on me, Moe!
I got a big payday coming.
A: And if that doesn't deserve drinks, I don't know what does.
B: Amen to that
C: First round's on me
C: I owe you all at least that much. 적어도 그 정도는 신세를 졌습니다.
To a great year.
It's very smooth. 목 넘김이 부르러운걸.
It's strong.
The stronger, the better.
I am getting pretty tipsy.
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