[자유시] :: 알러지(알레르기) - Allergy

2021. 8. 29. 20:26짭짤한 문학/자유시 :: Free Poem



귀가 간지럽다
누군가 험담을 하나?
귀밥을 내어 날려 버리자

눈이 가렵다
볼걸 보았나?
안약을 떨구어 씻어 버리자

콧물이 나온다
구리한 냄새를 맡았나?
휴지로 흥흥 풀어 버리자

슬슬 피어나는 봄날
면역력 떨어진 몸은
것도 아닌 이물질에
에취! 에취!

면역력 떨어진 마음도
것도 아닌 허튼소리에
에취! 에취! 에취!


2015. 4. 7





The inside of my eardrum is itching;

Is there somebody backfiring behind me?

Let us blow it all by removing earwax from the ear.

My eyes are itching;

Did I watch what I shouldn’t have seen?

Let us wash it all by dropping an eye drop into the eye.

My nose is running loose

Did I smack of something smelly?

Let us blow it all by blowing the nose hard with a sheet of tissue

Alas, this body enervated in the spring time of pollens

Coughs, “Achoo! Achoo!”

Reacting feebly to some foreign flotsams in the air!

This heart with immunity dropping low

Is caught to nothing less than meaningless crap, 

Echoing, “Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!”

Inside its stuffy walls.




영상으로 감상

