2022. 1. 8. 05:28ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
누구나 알아야 할 회사 영어downside, what's your take on it, pushback)
1: What's the downside?
(이렇게 진행해서) 안 좋은 면/문제/위험요소가 뭐야?
2: What's your take on it?
(특정 상황에 대한 분석 후 의견 및 관점을 물어볼 때) 어떻게 생각해?
3: pushback
(계획/변화 등에 대한) 반발/부정적인 반응
#1: downside (불리하거나 덜 긍정적인면) 문제/위험요소
*macmillan 사전: a disadvantage or negative aspect of something
What's the downside? 안 좋은 면/문제/위험요소가 뭐야?
A: Downside?
B: Expensive.
The downside is that it's going to cost us a fortune.
*macmillan 사전 cost of fortune = to cost a lot of money (돈이 많이 들다)
fortune: (큰) 재산, 부, 거금
<이렇게 비싼 걸 내가 어떻게 받아>
I can't accept this. This must have cost a fortune!
<정말 비쌌어>
It costs me an arm and a leg.
*캠브릿지 사전: (cost a fortune과 같은 뜻) to be extremely expensive.
Speeding it will cost a fortune.
The only downside of working here is the commute.
How long is your commute? 출퇴근 거리가 어떻게 돼? 출퇴근 하는데 오래 걸려?
What is your commute like?
How long does it take to get in?
There's really no downside.
<여름, 겨울 다 쓸 수 있고 딱히 안 좋은 게 없잖아>
You could use it during the summer and winter.
There's really no downside.
<고민하는 상대에게>
There is no downside, Stevie.
downside <-> upside (특히 안 좋은 상황에서 비교적) 괜찮은, 긍정적인 면
*롱맨 사전: the positive part of a situation that is generally bad.
What's the upside of telling Johnny that? 조니한테 말해서 좋은 점이 뭐야?
Don't lower yourself to their level.
There's no upside to doing this.
<욱해서 대응하려는 지인에게>
Don't lower yourself to their level.
There's no upside to that.
That creates lasting damage.
#2: What's your take (on it)?
*macmillan 사전: someone's attitude or opinion about a situation
<(회의 중) 자네 견해는 어떤가?>
Dwight, what's your take?
A: What's your take on that?
B: I don't think it's necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.
necessarily - https://youtu.be/5nP7HKcCXoo?t=178
A: What's your take on the kiosk initiative?
B: It's in initial phases.
B: All things considered, weighing the pros and cons, I think it's great idea.
*weigh the pros and cons. 장단점을 따지다 - https://youtu.be/cP2MROMYgZQ?t=159
A: I think so, too, but there's been a bit of pushback.
B: There's always gonna be pushback.
initiative (문제 해결 및 목표 달성을 위한 새로운) 계획, 행동, 프로그램 - https://youtu.be/xYQ9530rDxM?t=250
*캠브릿지 사전: a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem.
I am grateful to the Avengers for supporting this initiative.
결단력 initiative : 결단력 있게 행동하거나 (시키지 않아도 나서서 하려는) 의욕적인 모습을 보일 때
show/take + initiative - https://youtu.be/xYQ9530rDxM?t=322
<(나서서 하려는) 의욕적인 모습 보기 좋네>
A: I can do more, sir. 더 할 수 있습니다.
B: Good. I like seeing you take initiative. 의욕적인 모습을 보여주니 정말 좋다.
#3: pushback: (계획/변화 등에 대한) 반발/부정적인 반응
*캠브릿지 사전: negative reaction to a change or to something new that has been introduced
<지금은 불만이 많더라도 때가되면 동참할거야>
A: How did it go?
B: A lot of pushback. They aren't happy.
A: Well, they'll get on board when the time comes.
*get on board: 동참하다 - https://youtu.be/LqRlGupWO5o?t=643
I got a little pushback when I pitched it.
I don't anticipate a lot of pushback on that.
There's always gonna be some pushback.
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