2022. 1. 8. 05:32ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
능력자의 표현 willing and able😎✨(& 오역하기 쉬운 It's a long shot)
1: It's a long shot.
거의 승상 없어/잘 될 가능성이 희박해
2: -be more than willing to (강조)
-willing and able (~를 할 마음도 있고 문제없이 할 수 있을 정도)
3: -with or without your support
-solid:알찬, 믿음직한, 괜찮은
#1: It's a long shot. 거의 승산 없어/잘 될 가능성이 희박해
*Collins 사전: You mean that it is unlikely to succeed, but is worth trying.
*Merriam-Webster 사전: a venture involving great risk but promising a great reward if successful; a venture unlikely to succeed.
Give it a shot! 한번 해봐/시도해봐! - https://youtu.be/xJ4EpC3BfXs?list=PLJAjCPmgMY7uWSHXXhw8eMTQwEbaZkdGV&t=161
<up for a promotion (승진 고려대상)>
A: It's probably a long shot. 아마 가능성은 희박할 걸
B: There are many names on the list. 후보가 여러명이잖아요.
A: Nope, just four. 아니, 네 명뿐이야
It's a long short, but it's worth a try.
It's a long shot, but it's a start.
<'Yes'라고 할 가능성이 낮은 걸 추천하며>
I know it's a long shot.
<일이 잘 안 된 후>
It was a long short anyway. 어차피 쉽게 될 일도 아니었어.
<제안에 솔깃했찌만 잘 될 가능성은 낮아 보였어요>
I was tempted, but I knew it was a long shot.
#2: be willing to (기꺼이) ~할 마음/의사가 있다.
*Collins 사전: If someone is willing to do something, they are fairly happy about doing it and will do it if they are asked or required to do it.
<(원하는 걸 이루기 위해) 뭐든 할 마음이 있어>
We're willing to do whatever it takes.
강조: be more than willing to
I'd be more than willing to walk you through the process.
*walk through:(절차/과정 등을) 차근 차근 설명하다/보여주다. - https://youtu.be/s0Qduy5n5Jk?t=119
We'd be more than willing to negotiate on the terms of it as well.
I'd be more than willing to help her.
reluctant: 꺼리는, 마지못해 하는, 주저하는 - https://youtu.be/HF_gLZAS00k?t=131
*캠브릿지 사전: not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it.
I'm reluctant 글쎄/딱히 내키지 않아.
I'm reluctant to help her.
<정말 마지못해 하는 거야>
I'm extremely reluctant to do this.
willing and able
*freedictionary.com: A phrase used to describe someone who is ready or capable of doing something.
And I am ready, willing, and able to help.
I'm willing and able to pay more. 돈을 더 지불할 마음도 있고 능력도 있다.
I am willing and able to pay far more.
I'm ready, willing, and able. (+ to 동사원형 또는 맥락상 생략 가능)
ready, willing, and able
*macmillan 사전: willing to do something and capable of doing it.
They've been ready, willing, and able, but we haven't really had a great role for them.
Veronica Lodge is more than willing and able.
#3: with or without your support
- whether you like it or not 보다 좀 더 부르더운 표현
I'm gonna do it with or without your support.
whether you like it or not: 네가 좋아하던 말던 / 네가 마음에 안 들어 하더라도 - https://youtu.be/fxVaiRuNUa0?t=11
<네가 안 좋아하더라도 벌어질 일이야>
It's happening whether you like it or not.
- whether you like it or not
- whether you want it or not
- whether you believe it or not
And I'm gonna go for this job with or without your support.
*go for: 도전하다, 시도하다
but I realize that it's a long shot, so..
I would be really grateful to have a solid recommendation from you.
solid: 알찬, 믿음직한, 괜찮은 - https://youtu.be/lkCYR4w9bP0?t=144
*캠브릿지 사전: certain or safe; of a good standard; giving confidence or support
Just level with me, is she solid?
*캠브릿지 사전 level with 사람: to tell someone the truth, esp, when it may be unpleasant (솔직히/터놓고 말해줘)
It's a solid plan.
A: I assume you're here to talk strategy.
*Let's talk strategy. 전략에 대해서 이야기해 보자.
B: No, Mike and I are solid on that.
It's not great, but it's solid.
<괜찮은 초안이네/문제 없어 보이네>
This draft looks solid.