[구슬쌤] 좋은 건지 나쁜 건지 헷갈리는 What a day!🤷‍♀️

2023. 12. 10. 00:37공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어


좋은 건지 나쁜 건지 헷갈리는 What a day!🤷‍♀
1: 내 생각을 간접적으로 표현하는 I wouldn't ~
 - I wouldn't do that if I were you.
 - I wouldn't go that far. 그 정도까진 아닌 것 같은데
2: I'll bring you up to speed over lunch.
   점심 먹으면서 어떻게 된건지/어떤 상황인지 알려줄게.
3: 기억에 남을만큼 좋은/안 좋은 날 What a day!

#1: Bring up (화제를) 꺼내다
*Collins 사전: If you bring up a particular subject, you introduce it into a discussion or conversation.

I wouldn't bring that up.

<예전에 대학시절 컨닝했던 친구였음>
- He cheated his way through introductory physics.
- I wouldn't bring that up.

I wouldn't bring that up if I were you.

I wouldn't worry if I were you.

<건드리면 아픈 곳이니 얘기를 꺼내지 않는게 좋겠다며>
I wouldn't bring that up with a boss though.
It's a bit of a sore spot.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions.
*Collins 사전: If you say that someone jumps to a conclusion, you are critical of them because they decide too quickly that something is true, when do not know all the facts.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

This is a terrible environment.
I wouldn't call it terrible.

<네가 말을 거칠게 했어도 난 객관적인 태도를 유지할 수 있어>
- You mean because you verbally assaulted me?
- I wouldn't call it that.
- Regardless, I can assure you I can remain objective.

A: He's the best engineer I know.
B: Well, I wouldn't go that far.
부사 that: 그렇게, 그만큼, 그정도

<아니, 뭐 그 정도까진 아니지>
I mean, I wouldn't go that far.

<초등학생 때 트럼펫을 잘 연주하지는 못했지만 경험해 봤다는 게 중요함>
- I didn't know you played.
- Well, I wouldn't exactly call it playing.
  In fact, it was pretty awful, but it was the experience that mattered.

You should bring that up at the meeting.

That sounds cool.
I'll have to bring it up at our next staff meeting.

그 말을 꺼내줘서, 언급해줘서 기쁘다며
I'm glad you brought that up.

Thank you for bring that up.

Style. I'm glad you brought that up.

bring up
*Merriam-Webster 사전: to cause something, such as a file or picture to appear on a computer screen (컴퓨터 화면에 띄우다)

Bring up the visual
*visual aid: 시각 (보조) 자료

Let me bring up the docs again, one sec.


#2: Bring 사람 up to speed (최신 정보, 지식 등 필요한 정보를 주며) 현 상황을 알려주다, 상황을 이해시키다.
*Collins 사전: to give someone all the latest information about something.
 - https://youtu.be/dZ8go0jaQs8?t=167
Bring her up to speed.

<어떤 상황인지 사람들이게 얘기해주며>
So, just to bring everyone kind of up to speed, ~

I brought everyone up to speed.

Your brother's brought me up to speed on your struggle.

Bring me up to speed.

Catch me up. 어떤 상황인지 알려줘.
*캠브릿지. to give someone the latest news or information about something.

Catch me up, talk fast.

#3: What a day!
*기억에 남을만큼 특별하고 좋은 or 정말 스트레스 받는 안 좋은 날

A: What a day!
B: I know. Things couldn't have gone better.

A: What a day.
B: Well, let's deal with this tomorrow.
   Go home and get some rest.

It's been a long day.

Rachel, it's been a long day.
Can we talk about this in the morning?

