2021. 11. 19. 21:49ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
오역하기 쉬운 세 가지 표현. I'll tend to it
1: I'll tend to it. 제가 신경써서 처리할게요.
I have a lot of work that needs tending to. (신경써서) 처리해야 될 일이 정말 많아.
2: It's been one of those days. 그냥 일이 잘 안 풀리는 그런 날이야.
3: concrete: (사실에 의거한)명확한/구체적인.
#1: I'll tend to it. 제가 신경써서 처리할게요.
*캠브릿지 사전 tend (formal): to care for something or someone
tend to sb/sth: to deal with the problems or needs of a person or thing
tend to + 동사원형 == have a tendency to: ~하는 경향이 있다.
I'll tend to it, sir.
Let me tend to these affairs.
tend to + 동사원형: ~하는 경향이 있다.
tend to + 명사: ~를 보살피다/(신경써서)처리하다.
==> tend to가 가르키는 대상이 사람/대상일 때.
A: Can you get that taken care of?
B: Yes, I'll tend to it immediately. 바로 신경써서 처리할게.
Tend to it immediately.
Of course. I'll get that taken care of.
또는 I'm on it. - https://youtu.be/s0Qduy5n5Jk?t=194
I've been trying to get hold of you all day - https://youtu.be/dCgL3ifq1N0?t=101
Hey, I've been trying to get hold of you all day.
get hold of == get a hold of
I've been trying to get a hold of him all afternoon.
A: I've been trying to get hold of you all day.
B: Sorry, I've been tending to another matter. 다른 신경 쓸 일, 처리해야 될 일이 있어서.
I was tending to another matter.
We had more pressing needs to tent to.
*pressing: 긴급한 (=urgently important) - https://youtu.be/Zo0j_jO-cpM?t=521
I have a lot of work that needs tending to.
<처리해야 될 일이 있었는데 이따 해도 돼요>
I have something I needed to tend to, but it can wait, it can wait.
부정적인 걸 말할 때 & 확정지어 말하기 조심스러울 때 빛을 발하는 tend to + 동사원형 (~하는 경향이 있다)
She is nosy. 그녀는 오지랖 넒다.
She tends to be nosy. 그녀는 오지랖 넓게 구는 경향이 있다.
*옥스포드 사전 nosy: showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs
<걔가 좀 질척이는 경향이 있지>
She tends to be a little clingy.
<나의 개선할 점을 얘기할 때도 I worry a lot 보다 부드러운>
I tend to worry a lot.
I tend to talk too much.
#2: It's been one of those days. 그냥 일이 잘 안 풀리는 그런 날이야.
*옥스포드 사전: a day when several things go wrong.
A: It's just been one of those days. I'm sorry.
B: It's OK.
A: Someone's in a mood.
B: Sorry. It's been one of those days.
<(계속 전화가 울리자) 누구는 신경써댜 될 일이 아주 많은가봐~>
Somebody's got a lot of business to tend to.
Is she having one of those days?
Are you having one of those days?
#3: concrete: 명확한/구체적인
*캠브릿지 사전: based on sure facts or existing things rather than guesses or theories (추측이나 이론보다 사실에 의거한)
*Collins 사전: You use concrete to indicate that something is definite and specific.
<정확한 내용이 나오면 바로 알려드릴게요>
If there's any concrete news, you will know ASAP.
*명확하고 구체적인 정보/내용/계획 등에 concrete
Once I get more concrete information, I'll let you know.
We're planning on making some changes across the board, but there's nothing concrete yet.
*There's nothing concrete yet. 아직 확정된 건 없을 때.
*across the board: 전박적으로/전반에 걸쳐 - https://youtu.be/Zo0j_jO-cpM?t=35
<다음 프로젝트로 아직 확정된 건 없을 때>
Well, nothing concrete yet, but I've got stuff that I'm working on anyway.
We're talking in circles here. We need to make concrete plans.
<너나 내가 결정하기 전까지 확실한 계획은 보류하자>
And until one of us decides, we shouldn't make any concrete plans.
I need something more concrete. (그걸로는 부족해) 더 확실한, 구체적인 정보나 내용이 필요해.
<뭔가 확실한, 증명할 수 있는 자료를 보여달라고 할 때도>
A: We're talking in circles.
B: You don't believe me, do you?
A: I would need to see something, Lisa. Something concrete.
B: I have a photo.
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