2021. 11. 10. 22:38ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
급할 땐 urgent, 변경할 게 있을 땐 change만 쓰시나요?
1: across the board: 전반적으로, (회사/산업)전반에 걸쳐
2: tweak: 약간 변경/수정하다
polish: 다듬다
3: pressing: 긴급한(=urgently important)
#1: 전반적으로, (회사/산업) 전반에 걸쳐: across the board
*옥스 포드 사전: applying to all
*Collins 사전: in a way that affects all levels or classes equally.
We need help across the board. 전반적으로 도움이 필요해
<일손이 부족해 전반적으로 도움이 필요할 때>
We're definitely short-handed right now.
We need help across the board.
Sales are down across the board.
Bicycle sales were up across the board.
The city has cut funding across the board.
There are going to be significant changes across the board.
<전체적으로 폰트를 통일하자고 할 때도>
Let's try to be consistent with our fonts, Times New Roman, across the board.
Impressive work! - https://youtu.be/HXMuwjDvTLc?t=274
Everything looks great across the board.
<전체적으로 많은 향상>
There are great improvements across the board.
<구슬쌤이 구독자에게도 사용 가능>
Your hard work paid off. 열심히 노력한 보람이 있는 걸요.
Your English has improved across the board. 전반적으로 영어 실력이 많이 향상 됐어요.
work on: 노력을 들이다 - https://youtu.be/H2Zc_p5DgZA?t=133
#2: tweak: 약간 수정/변경하다.
*캠브릿지 사전: to make small changes to something in order to finish or improve it
*room for improvement: 개선의 여지 - https://youtu.be/wHN1GDFj6dc?t=42
tweak 자체가 '살짝 변경'하는 것이기에 'change a little' 보다 'tweak a little'이 더 부드러워요
-tweak 쉽게 쓰는 법
1)상대가 약간만 수정하면 좋겠다고 할 때
2)마지막으로 몇 가지만 손보면 된다고 할 때
#2-1: 상대에게 기분나쁘지 않게 살짝만 변경하라고 할 때.
It just needs a little tweak.
Just needs a little tweak.
Why don't we tweak it a little?
A: Did you get a chance to look at the presentation I sent you?
B I did. I think it just needs a little tweak in the last slide, but other than that, everything looks good.
*Did you get a chance to ~? - https://youtu.be/qZCVEkSsJ4k?t=136
<바꿀 게 하나 없을 정도로 훌륭할 때>
A: Did you get a chance to review my nominating speech?
B: I did. I wouldn't change a word.
<지금보다도 더 잘 작동하도록 살짝 변경>
There were a couple of things we wanted to tweak to make them work even better.
I think it'll look better if you tweak this part a little.
#2-2: 마지막으로 몇가지만 손보면 돼요 (거의 다 끝나가요)
A: Are your almost done with the proposal?
B: Yes, I'm just making a few last-minute tweaks.
I just have a couple (of) last-minute tweaks.
polish (더 좋아지도록) 다듬다, 세련되게 만들다.
I'm just polishing it.
I'm done tweaking.
I'm done polishing. I'm done.
<실제 거짓말 하는 상황..>
A: What happened to it?!
B: It's almost done.
I'm just making a few final tweaks.
#3: 뭔가를 빨리 처리해야 될 때: pressing.
+++ 복습
Your message sounded urgent.
지금 당장 하지 않으면 안 좋은 일이 일어날 것 같은, 하던 일을 멈추고 당장 해야될 것 같은 : urgent.
시간을 영향을 많이 받기에 빨리, 우선적으로 해야되는: time-sensitive
*vocabulary.com: If something's pressing, it's very important and should be taken care of right away(빨리 처리해야되는 중요한 일, 문제)
Can I talk to you for quick sec?
It's time-sensitive.
Sorry to interrupt.
It's time-sensitive
I know you're busy, but could you take a look at this for a second?
It's time-sensitive.
<급히 처리해야되는 일로 바쁨>
I'm very busy with time-sensitive work.
<빨리 지원해야 될때도>
This is time-sensitive, you've got to apply right now.
하던 일을 다 drop하고 지금 당장 해야될 정도로 급하다는 걸 강조할 땐 urgent
그 외엔 time-sensitive로도 충분해요.
pressing (특히 matter, issue, situation에 자주 쓰임) 긴급한, 급박한
*캠브릿지 사전: urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately
*Merriam-webster 사전: urgently important
I have more pressing things to do / issues.
I'm afraid I have more pressing matters at hand.
I have more pressing matters to take care of.
I have much more pressing matters to deal with.
갑자기 급한 일이 생겼을 때
Sorry, Harvey.
Something more pressing just came up.
Can it wait? https://youtu.be/-brDpdfMsRQ?t=196
Something more pressing just came up.
Now, something much more pressing has come up.
모든 걸 다 drop하고 지금 당장 해야될 정도로 긴급할 땐 urgent
시간을 영향을 많이 받기에 빨리, 우선적으로 처리해야될 땐: time-sensitive
*vocabulary.com: If something's pressing, it's very important and should be taken care of right away(빨리 처리해야되는 중요한 일, 문제)
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