2021. 11. 27. 01:05ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
원어민이 아니면 쉽게 못 쓰는 Care to join me? (+ speculate과 정붙이기)
1: I don't want to speculate.
(확실히 잘 몰라서) 섣불리 추측/짐작하고 싶지 않아.
2: (Would you)care to join me?
(정중)같이 갈래/할래?
3: Do you follow any sports?
꾸준히 챙겨보는 스포츠 있어?
#1: speculate: 추측/짐작하다
*캠브릿지 사전: to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain.
1)확실히 모르면서 추측자히 말라고 할 때: Don't speculate
==> 가능하면 타이르듯 한 표현을 써주세요.
You don't wanna speculate. (상황을 잘 모르니)추측/짐작하지 않는 게 나을거야.
You don't want to speculate until we know for sure.
You don't want to + 동사원형: ~하지 않는 게 좋을거야/~해서 좋을 거 없어.
*macmillan 사전: used for advising or warning someone that they should/should not do something.
- https://youtu.be/Twv41LqZvxM?t=9
Don't do that
==> 대신에
You don't wanna do that.
Don't miss it.
==> You don't wanna miss it.
<알고 싶지 않을걸/모르는 게 나을거야>
You don't want to know.
You don't wanna go there.
그 얘기는 꺼내고 싶지 않을걸/꺼내지 않는 게 나을거야.
<확실히 모르면서 섣불리 짐작하지 말자>
- You don't wanna speculate.
- Don't speculate.
- Let's not speculate.
- We shouldn't speculate.
A: I'd rather not speculate, sir.
B: Oh, please do.
2)상대가 추측성 답변을 유도할 때
- I don't want to speculate.
- It doesn't do any good to speculate. (확실하지도 않은데) 추측/짐작해서 좋을 거 없잖아.
A: What do you think she has?
B: I don't wanna speculate.
Look, it doesn't do any good to speculate.
확실한 건 아닌데 단순히 내 추측상 이렇다며 조심스레 말할 때
I can only speculate, but~
I can only speculate, but I think Ted get her to change her mind.
I don't know. We can only speculate. 저도 (확실히/잘)몰라요. 추측할 수만 있죠.
A: That's too bad. I wonder what happened.
B: It's hard to say. I can only speculate based on the data I collected.
3)단순히 추측하는 거여도 좋으니 상대의 의견을 알고 싶을 때
A: I don't know.
B: Speculate.
(Would you) care to speculate?
#2: care to + 동사원형: ~하고 싶다/~에 관심있다
*특히 (Would you) care to ~?로 자주 쓰임
*Would you like to ~?와 같은 뜻이지만 좀 더 formal한 느낌의 Would you care to ~?
*freedictionary.com: to want to do something; to be willing to do something
*freedictionary.com - Would you care to: A very polite way of asking if someone would like to do something.
care:상관하다, 관심이 있다
*특히 부정문이나 의문문에서는 '~을 좋아하다/하고 싶어하다'란 뜻.
care to join me? 같이 갈래/할래?
A: Care to join me?
B: Maybe another time.
go for a stroll 산책하다. - https://youtu.be/FVITPrHkJv8?t=249
*롱맨 사전: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way.
A: I'm about to go for a stroll. Care to join me?
B: I'll pass. I've got a lot on my plate today.
Care to join me for lunch?
Care to join me?
< 좀 더 정중: Would you llke to join me?
< 더 정중한 느낌: Would you care to join me?
Care to elaborate?
*캠브릿지 사전: to add more information to or explain something that you have said; containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts.
Care to explain?
Care to chip in? - https://youtu.be/ADwNL2i24Ic?t=160
*macmillan 사전: If people chip in, they each give some money to help pay for something.
Care to chip in for Sarah's birthday?
<조금 더 formal하게 말하고 싶을 땐>
Jenna, would you care to chip in?
Would you care to have some coffee?
Would you care for some coffee?
*좀 더 캐쥬얼한 Care for some coffee?
Would you care for some wine or a cocktail tonight?
Would you care for something to drink?
#3: follow: 진행 상황을 계속 지켜보다
*Collins 사전: If you follow something, you take a interest in it and keep informed about what happens.
+++ 복습
follow: (얘기하는 내용 및 상황을 따라가듯)이해하다
*캠브릿지 사전: to understand something as it is being said or done.
Do you follow? 무슨 말/상황인지 이해 돼? - https://youtu.be/-OcdMZMpSPw?t=251
Human pyramid. Do you follow?
I don't follow. 무슨 말/상황인지 이해가 안돼.
A: Do you follow any sports?
B: I'm a huge baseball fan.
Any sports you do follow?
A: Do you follow any shows?
B: I watch Ellen religiously.
*macmillan 사전 - religiously (독실하게/충실히)
If you do something religiously, you do it regularly and are very serious about it.
A: Do you follow any shows on Netflix?
B: Workin' Moms.
I can't wait for the next season to come out.
'공부 > 구슬쌤의 자신감 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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