2022. 12. 7. 12:14ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
의견 물을 때 contribute, on the tip of my tongue, else
1: contribute: 회의나 대화에서 의견을 말하다
- Do you have anything to contribute?
2: else (또, 다른) / at all (조금이라도)
3: It's on the tip of tongue: 아, 생각이 날듯말듯 한데.
#1: contribute 회의나 대화에서 의견을 말하다. 조언/의견/지식 등을 제공하다
*Collins 사전: If you contribute to something, you say or do things to help to make it successful.
어윈(origin): to bring together, add or unite
*캠브릿지 사전: to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people.
<브레인 스톰/아이디어 회의 중>
A: The Winter Collection?
A: Do you have anything to contribute?
B: No, I really don't
A: Okay, we'll come back to you.
Do you have anything to contribute?
<물론 정말 돈을 보탤 때도 써요>
Do you have anything to contribute?
Five dollars?
<넌 해줄 말 없어?>
Anything to contribute?
Seul, do you have something to contribute?
You! You have something to contribute?
Excuse me, did you have something to contribute?
Rosemary, is there anything you would like to contribute on that specific question?
I don't think I know enough to contribute to this conversation, but I'll try.
I don't have anything to contribute to in those kinds of discussions, and I am just listening and learning.
You're being awfully quiet today.
*awfully: 정말/몹시
Scott, we haven't heard from you.
Would you like to contribute to this portion of the conversation?
I don't understand well enough to contribute to this conversation.
I have nothing to contribute to this conversation.
You can just sit there and listen.
You don't have to contribute.
<주제 넘게 끼어들지 경고할 때도>
You're here to listen, not contribute.
Anyone else would like to contribute?
#2: else 또, 다른, 추가적인, 그밖의
Can I help you? 보다 덜 사무적인
Is there anything I can do (for you)?
Is there anything else I can do (for you)?
Is there anything else I can do for you?
That's all.
Anything else?
Is there anything at all I can do?
else:또, 다른
at all: 조금 이라도 - https://youtu.be/yeYy9sCAoks?t=216
Does that help at all?
Does that help at all?
Yes, thank you.
My pleasure. Thank you.
If you need anything at all, please give us a call.
Just give us a call if you need anything at all.
No problem at all.
#3: It's on the tip of my tongue. (대화 중)아, 생각이 날듯말듯 한데
*Collins 사전: said to mean that you are sure you know something, such as world, an answer, or a name, but that you cannot remember it at the moment.
It's on the tip of my tongue. It starts with a..
I know it.
It's... It's on the tip of my tongue.
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