2021. 5. 26. 19:30ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
1. 실수 후 당황해 하는 상대에게
We all make mistakes.
2. 도움을 요청하며
Point me in the right direction.
3. 고려해주는 것 만으로 충분해.
That's the most I can ask.
4. 누군들 마다하겠냐는 능청스런 한 마디
Who wouldn't?
#1: 상대가 실수를 해서 당황 할 때
Everyone makes mistakes.
We all make mistakes. 누구나 다 실수 하는걸요, 뭐.
hey, hey, don't worry.
We all make mistakes.
You're human.
Everyone makes mistakes.
#2: point me in the right direction: 옳은 방향을 알려주다.
*어떻게 해야할지 모를 때 적절한 제안을 해주는 것
*freedictionary.com: to give one advice or information that helps guide them toward a desired outcome or course of action
I was hoping you could point me in the right direction.
제가 어떻게 해야할지 조언좀 해주셨으면 해서요.
A: You wanted to see me?
B: Yeah, I was hoping you could point me in the right direction.
I don't know what to do.
Could you point me in the right direction?
Can you point us in the right direction?
옳은 방향으로 나아갈 수 있도록 조언/제안을 해달라는 느낌: point me in the right direction.
A step in the right direction. (옳은 방향으로 나아가는) 적절한 조치, 상황을 호전시키는 행동.
*macmillan 사전: an action that increases the possibility of success.
Apologizing to her would be a step in the right direction. 그녀에게 사과하는 게 상황을 나아지게 할 수 있는 좋은 방법일거야.
But it's a step in the right direction. Even if it's imperfect to start, at least we're making that effort.
I don't see how this is a step in the right direction. 이게 어떻게 상황을 나아지게 하는 행동인지 이해가 안돼.
It's one step in the right direction towards cleaner air.
#3: 한번 생각해보거나 재고해 달라고 부탁은 하지만 강요할 수는 없는 상황일 때
A: I'll think about it.
B: That's the most I can ask. (그 이상은 차마 요구할 수 없다는 뉘앙스) 그거면 충분해요.
It's the least I can do. I insist. (상대에게 호의를 베풀며) 제가 그 정도는 해드려야죠. 그러니 거절 마세요.
Please, we insist.
It's the least we can do.
#4: 출장이나 여행 갔을 때. How are you enjoying Paris? 묻는다면?
A: How are you enjoying Paris?
B: I love it. I mean, who wouldn't, right?
A: Who's up for more wine?
B: Who isn't?
*be up for = be down for ~할 의향이 있다.
A: I really like LA.
B: Who wouldn't
Happier and healthier, and who wouldn't want that? 누군들 그걸 마다하겠어요?
Will you tell me about Manderley?
I hear it's beautiful.
It is. It is.
특정 지역 및 장소를 얘길할 때.
I heard it's nice there. 거기 좋다고 들었어요.
강조: I hear it's nice there. 거기 좋다고 늘 들어요.
약속 장소를 정할 때도 쓸 수 있어요.
A: Oh, we could go to Bacchanalia.
B: I've never been. I hear it's nice.