[구슬쌤] :: 원어민이 좋아하는 세련된 이디엄 4개! 여러분도 쉽게 쓸 수 있어요💙 (My brain is fried, I wasn't born yesterday, We're not here to point fingers, It's not going to get us anywhere)

2021. 7. 13. 10:49공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어


활용도 높은 이디엄 4개

(My brain is fried, I wasn't born yesterday, We're not here to point fingers, It's not going to get us anywhere)
1. My brain is fried: 머리가 과부하 될 정도로 피곤할 때
    *아침에 머리가 잘 안 돌아갈 때 I haven't had (my coffee yet.
2. I wasn't born yesterday: 알건 다 안다는, 그 정도로도 끄떡 없다는
3. We're not here to point fingers: 서로를 비난하지 말자는
4. It's not going to get us anywhere: 아무 도움도 되지 않는다는

#1: My brain is fried : (너무 많은 정보/일로 머리가 과부하) 머리가 터질 것 같아/정말 피곤하네.
    Tomorrow, maybe my brain is a bit fried. 내일 얘기하는 게 좋겠어요. 피곤해서요.
    A: My brain is fried. 피곤해서 머리가 잘 안 돌아가네.
    B: Let's talk about something else. 그럼 다른 얘기 하자.
    My brain doesn't work. (마치 뇌가 잘 작동을 하지 않듯) 머리가 잘 안 돌아가.
    At the moment, my brain doesn't work.
    I haven't had (my) coffee yet.
    아직 커피를 안 마셔서 머리가 잘 안 돌아가/잠이 덜 깼어.
    Slow down, I haven't had coffee.
    <너무 이른 아침이라 진지한 얘기를 하기 어려울 때>
    The women's movement?
    Jesus Christ! I haven't even had coffee yet.
    <농담처럼 쓸 수 있는>
    Sorry, I haven't had (my) coffee yet.
    I just haven't had my coffee yet.
    I haven't had my coffee yet, so I'm finding it hard coming up with a more colorful way to say.
    아직 커피를 안 마셔서 그런지 더 화려한 표현을 생각해내기 힘드네.
    I'm not myself today. (평소와 달리) 오늘 제 정신이 아니네.
#2: I wasn't born yesterday: (바보/애송이가 아니라는 뉘앙스) 나도 알마큼 다 알아.
    *macmillan 사전: used for telling someone that you are not stupid enough to believe what they are saying.
    Don't play dumb with me.
    I wasn't born yesterday.

    Jessica, I'm sorry.
    I wasn't born yesterday. 저도 알 건 다 알아요.
    I just wanted to make sure you were okay. 네가 괜찮은지 확인차 연락해봐.
    I mean, I wasn't born yesterday.

    You're thinking like a rookie.
    *rookie: 초보자/초심자.
    Kid's smart, but he's never been around the block.
    You have. Stop thinking like a rookie.
    똑똑핻 경험은 없는 녀석인데 선배는 경험이 많잖아요.
    풋내기처럼 굴지 마세요.
    rookie mistake: (경험 부족으로) 초보들이 하는 실수
    Too smart to make a rookie mistake like that.


#3: point fingers: ~를 비난하다/ 책임으로 돌리다
    *캠브릿지 사전: to accuse someone of being responsible for something bad that has happened.
    We're not here to point fingers. 누군가를 비난하고자/탓하고자 모인게 아니야.
    Help us calmly discuss what went wrong and how we can better move forward.
    We're not here to point fingers.
    I'm not pointing fingers, but it's not going well.
    제가 누군가를 탓하려는 건 아닌데 잘 안 되고 있어요.
    They want to point fingers. 비난할 대상/책임을 물을 사람을 찾더라고.
#4: It's not going to get us anywhere. 그건 우리에게 아무런 도움도 되지 않을거야.
    *캠브릿지 사전: not improving or advancing a particular situation.
    That's not gonna get us anywhere.
    Of course. You'll get there.
    Hey, buddy, you're learning.
    You'll get there.
    원하는 상태/목표에 점점 도달해 간다는 걸 강조하는
    I'm getting there.
    <아픈 몸이 거의 다 나아간다고 할 때도>
    A: You look well.
    B: I'm getting there.
    We think that's gonna help. It doesn't.
    It creates a vicious cycle.
    It's not gonna get us anywhere.
    우린 그게 도움될거라 생각하지만 악순환만 계속될 뿐 아무 도움도 되지 않아요.

    I hate to say this, but this is not gonna get us anywhere.
    That's very interesting, but it doesn't really get us anywhere, does it?
    Pointing fingers at each other is not going to get us anywhere.
    That kind of approach I think in the long run isn't going to get us anywhere.
    제 생각엔 그런식의 접근은 장기적으로 우리에게 도움이 되지 않아요.

    us 외에도 다양하게 응용할 수 있어요.
    It's not going to get you anywhere.
    <의미 있는 걸 이루거나 나아갈 수 없다고 할 때도>
    We're not going to get anywhere if you're not willing to negotiate.
    협상할 생각이 없다면 아무것도 할 수 없어요.
    You can't get anywhere with that attitude. 그런 태도로는 아무것도 할 수 없죠.


