2021. 6. 3. 04:33ㆍ공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어
<상황별 핵심 표현>
1) 전화를 끊을 때
2) 바쁜 상대와 약속을 잡을 때
3) 진행 상황에 대해 얘기할 때
4) 동의하고 반대할 때
5) 아직 결정하지 못했을 때
#1: 전화를 끊을 때: hang up(X) --> 오해의 소지가 적은 go
Well, I gotta go 또는 I have to go now 등.
hang up: 전화를 끊는 걸 직설적으로 표현하는 hang up은 말투에 따라 무례하게 들릴 수 있어요.
*Collins 사전: if you hang up, you end a phone call.
if you hang up on someone you are speaking to on the phone, you end the phone call suddenly and unexpectedly.
A: Charlotte, I'm hanging up.
B: Don't you dare hang up and..
더 이상 통화하고 싶지 않을 때 hang up 사용
I'm hanging up.
대화 중 뚝 끊었을 때
Did you just hang up on Bloomberg?
hang up보다 오해의 소지가 적은 go
Well, I gotta go 또는 I have t ogo now 등.
Listen, you probably need to get back to work.
I know I do. I should go.
조금 더 부드럽게.
I'm gonna let you go now.
You're probably busy.
I'll let you go.
*hang up 대신 쓸 수 있는 추가 표현들
- It was nice talking you.
- I think that's it for now, so I will talk to you later.
- I won't keep you any longer.
Okay, It was nice talking to you, Dad. Thanks for calling.
get back to 사람: (특히 회답을 목적으로) ~에게 다시 연락하다.
지금 당장 답변해주기 어려울 때
Can I get back to you on that? 그거 생각해보고 / 알아보고 연락드려도 될까요?
조금 더 정중하게
Is it okay if I get back to you on that?
#2: 바쁜 상대에게 잠시 시간좀 내달라고 부탁할 때 (특히 appointment 잡을 때 유용함)
약속 시간을 정할 때 자주 쓰이는
Does 시간/요일/날짜 work for you? ~때 시간 돼? - https://youtu.be/6xZ50XCQ9z4?t=290
- Does the first week of February work for you?
squeeze 사람 in: (몹시 바쁜데도 불구하고) ~를 위한 짬을 내다
*캠브릿지 사전: to manage to do something or see someone in a short period of time or when you are very busy.
- Is there any way you can squeeze me in?
*어려운 부탁을 할 땐 is there any way~?
- Is there any way you can squeeze us in?
A: Can you set up a meeting for later today? Yes or no?
B: I'm sure I can squeeze it in.
Fit 사람 in: 시간을 내서 ~를 만나다.
Thank you for fitting me in.
(바쁘실텐데) 시간 내어 절 만나주셔서 고맙습니다.
- Thank you for fitting me in today.
Thank you for making time for us.
상대가 내게
Thank you for fitting me in. 이라고 하면?
I can always find/make time for you.
A: Thank you for fitting me in.
B: Oh, I can always find time for you and Frank.
I always got a few minutes for Doug Stamper.
#3: 일의 진행 현황에 대해 물어볼 때?
그거 어떻게 진행 됐어? go
A: Hey, how did it go today?
B: It went well.
Yeah, Yeah, yeah.. Well, I gotta go now, but ..
How did it go?
Did he buy it?
*buy: 믿다 - https://youtu.be/spXLR35YI78?t=295
Where are we on 대상?
~의 현 상태가 어때? / 어디까지 진행 됐어?
A: Where are we on Mallory?
B: Waiting on documents from overseas.
Where were we?
우리 어디까지 얘기했지?
So, where were we?
Ah, yes, you were talking about..
상황을 지켜 봐야 해/ 두고 봐야 해
wait and see
We still have to wait and see.
*Collins 사전: If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient
or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it.
I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see.
#4: 상대의 의견에 동의하지 않을 때
disagree는 너무 직설적이다.
So, with all due respect, I disagree.
*with all due respect: 이런 말씀드려 죄송하지만,
I can see why you would think/say that, but
왜 그렇게 생각하시는지/말씀하시는지 알겠지만.
Though I can see why you would this that..
<연관 표현: 어느정도는 동의하지만..>
I would agree to a certain extent, but..
I'm not sure ~로 간접적인 의사 표현.
I am not sure that is a good idea.
I am not sure if that is possible.
But honestly, I'm not sure it's a good idea.
I'm not sure I agree, but It's possible.
특히 부하직원에게 말할 때나 내가 결정자의 입장일 때
value / respect / appreciate
I respect your opinion but ~
I value your input but ~
A: Well, I disagree 100%.
B: I respect your opinion, Evelyn, and I appreciate you sharing it with me, but I am not going to change my mind.
We value your input, but right now ~
*input 의견.
동의할 때
By the way, I'm with you 100%.
I couldn't agree with you more.
#5: 아직 결정하지 못했을 때 I haven't decided it yet. I haven't made up my mind 좋지만..
I'm still on the fence. 아직 고민 중이야.
*캠브릿지 사전: not able to decide something.
So April's still on the fence about kids, huh?
I'm still looking into a few options. 아직 옵션 몇 개들을 잘 살펴보는 중이야.
*look into: 주의깊게 살피다.
A: Do you know which one yet?
B: I'm still looking into a few options.