공부/구슬쌤의 자신감 영어(192)
[구슬쌤] :: 상대의 의견에 품위 있게 반대하는 법 (설마.. disagree만 쓰시나요?)
상대의 의견에 품위 있게 반대하는 법 (설마.. disagree만 쓰시나요?) A: Jim, no offense, but what I want is more important than what you want. B: I disagree +++ 1: That's debatable. 2: I beg to differ. 3: I don't think that's the case here. 4: I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on this. 5: Let's agree to disagree 6: Let's just drop this + 추가설명 7: I see what you're saying, but ~ 8: I'm afraid, / I'm sorry, but ~ I don't ..
2021.10.22 -
[구슬쌤] :: 원어민이 입에 달고 사는 not necessarily 쉽게 쓰는 법!
This is not for me 이건 내 취향이 아니야 롱맨 사전 : used to say that something is not the kind of thing that someone likes or will enjoy Turn out it wasn't for me. 알고보니 나 취향 아니야 I'm not a big fan of mushrooms. The texture.. 식감 때문에 전 버섯을 별로 안좋아해요 I'm not sure I agree(with you 100%) disagree 도 맞지만 조금 더 부드럽게 말하고 싶을때 I'm not sure i agree with you 100%. I don't think this is a good idea. 상대가 안 좋은 제안을 할때 Necessar..
2021.10.20 -
[구슬쌤] :: '쎈 동사'로 오해 받는 offend, must 예쁘게 쓰는 법😎 (세다고 오해하지 마요🔥)
'쎈 동사'로 오해 받는 offend, must 예쁘게 쓰는 법 +++ 1: I'd be offended if you didn't 2: 공감의 must 3: It's perfectly normal to ~ +++ #1: I'd be offended if you didn't. 안 그러면 서운할 거야. Offend: 기분 상하게 하다 *캠브릿지 사전: to cause to be upset or to hurt the feelings of someone A: This has been so nice. Can we do it again soon? B: Of course! I'd be offended if we didn't. 안 그러면 서운할 거야. Well, this was fun We should do it ag..
2021.10.17 -
[구슬쌤] :: 대부분 오역하는 only so many & 문법상 틀리지만 원어민이 즐겨쓰는 표현
4~17세 영어학습 NovaKid 방문하기 오역하기 쉬운 only so many/much You'd better pull yourself together. I can only give you so mnay chances. 기회를 주는 것도 한계가 있어/네게 마냥 기회만 줄 수는 없잖아. only so many/much: 제한된, 한계가 있는 *캠브릿지 사전: used to say that there are limits to something. +++ 1: There's only so much I can do 2: There're only son much hours in a day. 3: There's only so much I can take. 4: We're off the clock. T..
2021.10.11 -
[구슬쌤] :: 잘못 쓰면 뉘앙스가 확- 달라지는 had better, might as well
had better vs. might as well 뉘앙스가 완전 다름. had better - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weaf0mjD5Qw might as well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1yN9f7E0vM +++ 주어진 상황에서 최선의 선택일 때 might as well: (어차피/기왕 이렇게 된거) ~하는 것이 낫겠어. vs. 특정 행동을 안 하면 안 좋은 일이 일어날 것 같은 had better: ~하는 게 나을거야/좋을거야 +++ #1: might as well: 주어진 상황에서 최선의 선택일 때 might as well (어차피/기왕 이렇게 된거) ~하는 것이 좋다 (그냥) ~나 해야겠다, (차라리)~하는 편이 낫다 *O..
2021.10.06 -
[구슬쌤] :: go through, go out 원어민처럼 예쁘게 쓰는 법🧡 (겪다, 사귀다 아님..😬)
1. go through 2. go around 3. go out 4. over one’s head ____________________ 1. go through 1) ~을 겪다 2) (강조) 거듭 살펴보다 3) 승인/통과/성사되다 1. go through : ~을 겪다 Macmilan 사전 : to experience something difficult or unpleasant She’s going through a lot right now. Let’s cut her some slack. She’s going through a lot right now. Collins 사전 : cut 사람 some slack : to make things slightly easier for someone than you..